Saturday, October 11, 2008


鹤天赐 Nat Ho, who always ended up playing somebody’s good brother in the past, will play a bum this time in the new show ‘未来不是梦 The Dream-Catchers’. 游手好闲, check. 好吃懒做, check. 贪生怕死, check. 自我中心、得过且过、敷衍塞责, check. His new role demands for him to be ‘rebellious’ and engaged in illegal dealings…

If you cant’t stomach anymore of 姚懿珊 Dawn Yeoh’s cutesiness in her current show ‘叮当神探 Crime Buster X2’, you will be pleased to know she will join Nat Ho in ‘未来不是梦 The Dream-Catchers’ as his partner-in-crime – a very cunning, big mouth liar and every inch materialistic girl.

Guess, our Princes and Princesses are sick and tired of being cast in yet another similar role again. But playing baddie role has its fair share of ‘risk’. Such roles are not as TV likeable and may harm their star power as idols. Is it still too early for them to cross over into a whole new realm where their acting chops would now need to triumph over their looks?

You tell me….

Original & Picture Source: Paul Chan Blog.
Credits: Paul Chan Blog.

taken from 7-princesses blog

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