孙燕姿 Sun Yanzi? 蔡淳佳 Joi Chua?石欣卉 Sing Chew Xin Huey? 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua? 郭美美 Jocie Guo? 潘嘉丽 Kelly Poon? Or
欧萱 Jeanette Aw herself?
I hear of many singers being considered to sing the OST (Original Sound Track) as this drama will surely help to propel the songs and singer to a new level of awareness.
It is confirmed to be a local-bred singer as befitting this local blockbuster about local
Nyonya. The songs will more or less mirror the life of the title character played by
欧萱Jeanette Aw. So, all local male singers are ‘out of the door’…
It will be wonderful if it was sung by the title character herself -
欧萱 Jeanette Aw but I don’t think she can cross over as a singer effectively. I don’t think any other remaining
7 公主Princesses is suitable (ok, you can disagree and protest if you want
Felicia Chin to sing).
Who in your opinion is closest to the title character? 孙燕姿 Sun Yanzi or 蔡健雅 Tanya Chua? Of course, they are great singers and but don’t you think any one of them is too ‘seasoned’ or ‘oiled’ to be the voice behind the title character?
Could it be 石欣卉 Sing Chew Xin Huey? She has sung most of the drama theme songs but isn’t it a bit of a ‘no surprise’ if she takes it on again?
I am sure very few would vote for 郭美美 Jocie Guo unless the title character was played by
姚懿珊 Dawn Yeoh (you know what I mean lah…hehe…).
According to the creative brains behind the decision, the chosen one is a spot-on-perfect-fit singer with a fantastic and emotional voice that best bring out the full flavor of the title character…whatever that means…they are confident she is ‘The One’.
Someone we know or are there very good local female singers we overlooked here?
Who can it be???
Original & Picture Source: Paul Chan Blog.
Credits: Paul Chan Blog.